Join our online Reiki for humans and animals to discover why we are one of the few online courses that students can gain insurance cover as Reiki practitioners and teachers for working with both humans and animals.

What You Will Get!
Join now for Reiki 1
The highest online teaching and learning standards.
We provide the highest teaching and learning standards for an online Reiki course anywhere. Our experienced teachers deliver the best information in the best way for you to make the progress you deserve.
The tools, skills, knowledge, and experience to unlock your highest healing potential.
No other online Reiki course will equip you with such a comprehensive tool kit of techniques on a course so thoroughly designed to develop your skills and knowledge. While case studies and self-healing practices will quickly expand and build your own Reiki experience, giving you a strong foundation and confidence to move into the world as a Reiki healer.

Guidance and feedback as your Reiki journey unfolds.
Our online Reiki for humans and animals is one of very few world wide that offer students ongoing feedback on their work, case studies, practice and self-healing. We want to be there with you as your journey unfolds, supporting you when you need it and showing you clearly where you are shining. We provide live one to one consultations and tutorials, dedicated face book community, as well as group live lessons to answer questions, create community and offer support. We aim to create an environment, culture and business model based on connection and our interconnectedness.
The opportunity to practice Reiki on other people and animals.
Our online Reiki for humans and animals is equipped with plenty of opportunities for you to get out there and practice. Streamed lined case studies are designed to give you the experience you need while allowing you the freedom to put in the time when best suites you. In addition to this you will be encouraged to support your own healing journey with daily Reiki self-healing practices, explore our growing library of techniques, meditations and exercises to enhance your state of mind, body and, of course, energy.

The ability to connect with other students.
Our combination of recorded and live lessons allows you the freedom to dip into your Reiki journey as your life allows. In our live lessons and dedicated and private Facebook group you can ask questions, give your insights, find support, connect and network with other students. It is our goal to create an environment, culture and business model based on community and connection, reflecting the interconnectedness of everything :-)
Loads and loads of additional meditations, exercises and practices to boost your Reiki journey
We are also offering loads of free additional material to enhance, boost and expand your Reiki and energy healing journey. Easily accessible exercises to heal, raise and tune your personal vibrations while harmonising mind body and spirit. Simple and easy to follow meditations to take you from ‘I can’t meditate. I’ve tried it before,' to layers of yourself and the universe that will unfold within you to those deepest states of awareness where true healing and change takes place. All this and so much more!

Knowledge on using crystals and dowsing in practice
As your Reiki journey unfolds we will teach you how to identify and utilise crystals for healing and reaching higher states of consciousness. We will explore crystal energy, how it relates to the earth and our beings. You will also learn the rudiments of dowsing as a form of energy testing for the 3 main energy systems of the body.
Learning about and working with natural earth energies.
Lessons to help you understand the different types of natural energies at work in the land and environment around us. From ley lines to sprites, from earth chakras to willow the wisps. We will explore these different types of natural energies, what can go wrong with them, how to clear them and how to enhance your own healing work by tapping in effectively to our planets positive powerhouse of healing potential.

Demonstrations and knowledge in energy testing people, places, animals and more.
Your learning journey will be boosted by plenty of demonstration material in order to help keep you on track with your own progress. I don't know about you but I can read and learn, I can listen and learn. Nonetheless, when I see something it goes in so much easier. Our recorded lessons and demonstrations gives you the opportunity to learn through all of your senses, and of course you can rewind, pause and reflect as much as you need :-)
The ability to heal past traumas and future events.
As your your Reiki journey progresses you will be given sacred knowledge enabling you to travel to and heal past events in your own life, the lives of your animals, clients and their furry companions as well. This powerful addition to your Reiki journey will also allow you to travel to future events and 'prepare the way.' Allowing you to dissolve possible issues, anxieties and problems that may arise before they have seen the light of day. Healing past and future events is an invaluable and powerful tool in your journey of healing and as a healer.

To heal over distance
The ability to heal your loved ones, friends, family and clients (of course including our animal friends) over any and all distances is an amaisingly potent and useful string to any healers bow. The effectiveness of distance healing is one of Reiki's best kept secrets. Once you have been given the keys to unlock this avenue within your healing practice your potential as a healer and awareness of the universe beyond our 5 physical senses will expand exponentially.
Learning to work with higher beings
There are many layers to our universe, many dimensions and plains beyond our own. Within this are a plethora of benign and enlightened beings of love, energy and light that are awaiting to assist you in your own healing or in healing others, including animals. Angelic beings, our higher selves, ascended masters, our ancestors, soul family,spirit guides, animal guides, infinite consciousness, inter-dimensional beings and alien entities are to name but a few. We will get to know them all and how to invoke them in assisting us in healing. It is what they love doing after all :-)

Recognising & removing negative entities.
As many as there are positive forces at work in our natural world there are as many negative forces at work to. Through our lessons you will be guided into the subtle world of energy and how to identify these negative attachments, spirits and other forces that can create dis-ease in ourselves, clients and furry companions. You will learn how to safely remove such entities, how to dispose of them effectively and heal the scars they leave behind. We will also teach you how to protect yourself and your clients from negative forces in the first instants, ensuring your personal sovereignty and health as you do and strengthening your clients 'immunity' to such 'infections' in the first place.
Insured & Insurable
Through certification from our Reiki for humans and animals you can gain insurance to practice Reiki professionally (levels 1 & 2) and teach Reiki (level 3) with ease of mind. Our insurers have committed to insuring our students after seeing our course modules and syllabus, the level of teaching standards and the quality of learning being undertaken.
Relax! You are in good hands :-)

There has never been a more relevant time or a more accessible, comprehensive and fully loaded online course to guide you into the healer you are capable of becoming.
So jump on board, hit that button to register for Reiki first degree for humans and animals, and let me guide you into the wonderful world of Reiki healing!
Love and light blessings!
Jason :-)

Let's Grow Together
The pathway to self-healing, Reiki 1, practitioner level, Reiki 2, and teacher level, Reiki 3, has never been so clear and accessible as it is here and now.
Since the beginning of mankind’s journey there have been practices and belief systems that work with our energy. A deep ‘knowing’ that where we place our thoughts, our awareness, our energy, has the potential to transform our own health and well-being, and the health and well-being of our friends, loved ones and furry companions.
Reiki has helped to consolidate these ancient practices into an accessible and easy to use system of healing. A system now practiced by tens of thousands of people world wide.
There has never been a more relevant time to step into your power as a Reiki healer, practitioner, or teacher. And there has never been a better equipped online course to get you there!

Sign up to take the first step in healing yourself, your loved ones and your animals.

Go deeper into your Reiki journey through space and time to become a Reiki practitioner for humans and animals.

At master level, we explore the wider world of energy healing and prepare you to teach and attune others to Reiki energy.

REIKI 4 FULL SPECTRUM REIKI (Go beyond the boundaries)
Unleash the limitations and explore new and undiscovered healing potential in this unique Reiki layer of expansion.
Reiki & Everyhting Energy
Facebook Group
Hit the link below and join our growing community of people vibrating at a similar accord on Facebook. A space created for anyone interested in the subtle energies, healing, other states of perception, courses, CPD events. A group to ask questions, share information/your story and your passion for healing and everything energy.
Hope to see you there!
Jason Maxwell