Understand Your Animals 


Did you know that the plant and animal realms inhabit the same subconscious plane?

And that you can learn the skills to connect to these planes on a deeper level, helping you to truly understand what makes your animal tick.

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We help you to connect to:


We work on combining the special qualities of specific herbs to deepen and enhance the animal connection and communication fields.

Learn new techniques, discover herbs and talk from the heart:

  • An introduction to the techniques involved in connecting to plant spirit. 
  • Grounding and centering the self.
  • Creating a sacred space.
  • Preparing herbs for plant and animal communication.
  • Connection for animal communication.
  • Applying techniques.
  • Ethics and ethos of animal and plant communication.
  • A herbal journey to animal communication with 5 specific botanicals. 
  • Energies and qualities of specific botanicals
  • Safety around herbals and self care.
  • Resources and guided meditations. 
  • Undertake the course at your own time and pace. 
  • All lessons are available on demand. 
  • Fully online and self paced

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

A communication network, a direct line to develop the language between you, the herbs and your animals.

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Our Course Starts August 21st.

In The Next Few Weeks, You Could…

  • Discover what you can do to support your companions.
  • Work out behaviours that seem complex and perplexing.
  • Use a variety of botanicals to enhance and clarify your communication & connection skills.
  • Learn how to work with herbs to aid the release of traumas and sticky emotions

It's time to develop your gift and learn the animal and plant language.


Quiet the chattering mind and dive a little deeper into our online course.

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Discover what your animals really want and need. 

Everyone of us can develop the skills to connect and communicate with our animal companions.

When you combine this skill with the herbs known for their gifts and qualities in strengthening connection, you open a new language that supports, nourishes and protects our animals.


  • A method that you can use consistently. 
  • Email guidance and support.
  • A method that enhances clarity.
  • Access to our dedicated pop up facebook group.
  • A bond that deepens between you and your animal. 
  • All material is available for you to download and keep forever.
  • Simple, effective, affordable. 
  • Animal focused and animal centered care.
  • Techniques and practices that provide behavioural. physical, emotional and spiritual support.
  • Animal participants that have been asked and are willing to communicate. 


We support you to support your animals.


So we included a bonus lesson on counselling skills. Helping you to navigate any uncomfortable sessions that may arise. 

What's Included.


Introduction to Plant Spirit Connection.

Establishing a deep and meaningful relationship with plants, harnessing their energy and wisdom for various purposes. It allows individuals to tap into the spiritual essence of plants and their vibration, their frequency; fostering a sense of interconnectedness with nature and the natural world.

  • What is Plant Spirit
  • Benefits if Plant Spirit
  • How to Connect to Plant Spirit.

Plant spirit connection is a transformative practice that allows us to commune with the spirits of plants and later, animals. By using specific herbs and engaging in meditation, we can open ourselves to their wisdom, guidance, and healing energy. This connection fosters a deeper appreciation for nature and enhances our spiritual journey towards greater harmony and interconnectedness with the natural world.


Grounding & Centering

Grounding and centering, being in the present moment with practices that help individuals connect with their immediate surroundings and foster a sense of mindfulness and peace. Grounding involves bringing one's attention to the present moment by focusing on sensory experiences,:

  • Benefits of grounding & centering
  • Techniques to ground and center

By incorporating our techniques into your daily life, you can develop a greater sense of presence, peace, and connection to the world around you.


Creating a Sacred Space

Discover a place of peace and connection to the divine. It is a place to connect to your higher self and to the spirit of plants and nature.

  • Benefits of Creating a Sacred Space.
  • How to Create your Space.

Your place where one can escape the busyness of everyday life and find solace, inspiration, and connection. Whether seeking inner peace, spiritual growth, or a deeper connection to the divine, a sacred space provides a sanctuary where individuals can nurture their souls and cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.


Learning Connection to Communicate

Discovering our connection tactics, how we can honour the bond to learn the language. What to look out for, what to ask and how we translate.

  • Communication Basics.
  • Developing Your Skills
  • Practice
  • Connecting Plant Spirit to the Communication Realm

You will leave this module feeling refreshed, enchanted, empowered and balanced. Dusting the cobwebs of a mind hindered with thought.


Using Herbs to Communicate with Animals

Discovering the botanical realm and how we combine, improve and enhance communication technique.

  • The benefits of using herbs for communication.
  • Types of herbs used for animal communication.
  • Preparing your herbs for animal communication.

You will develop and combine the techniques of animal communication and plant energies for an enhanced, empowered and clarified session. Learning what botanicals we can use and what benefit they have.


Ethics and Ethos of Plant and Animal Communication

Developing and integrating our techniques into everyday life. How we maintain a sense of realism and honesty in the world.

  • Communication in everyday life.
  • Professionalism and Careers
  • Respecting Plant and Animal Life.
  • Avoiding Tests and Protecting Privacy

Deciding if you want to pursue animal and plant communication skills in your career or personal life.


Botanicals for Animal Communication.

Join our immersive meditation sessions which connect the learning with the herbs. Lets join with 5 sacred botanicals for clarity, compassion, nourishment and peace.

  • Folk and traditional uses of the herbs.
  • Magic and Mysticism of our chosen herbs.
  • Aroma and incense, their roll in cleansing and clearing.

Entwine the learning for a deeper understanding of the botanicals at work and their unique and special gifts.


Safety & Self Care.

Protecting yourself from unwanted communications. Learn how to shield and close.

  • Care when tasting medicinal herbs. 
  • Looking after yourself and your animals.

Ensuring you start and finish each session caring for yourself, your animals and the healing space you create.

This Course Is For You If you would like to...

  • Deepen your understanding of the plant and animal communications planes
  • Enhance your connection to nature, the natural world and all her energies and vibrations.
  • Expand your skills opening up new opportunities and broadening your experiences.
  • Foster a sense of empathy, peace, wellbeing and compassion in your life.
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"Through the gentle touch of connection, we unlock the ancient wisdom that flows within the whispers of animals and the secrets of nature. Revealing our shared existence and igniting a profound harmony between all living beings"
- Rachael Maxwell



Connecting With Plant Energies for Animal Communication

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Connecting with the vibrational energy of plants and nature.

To initiate plant spirit connection, specific herbs and plants are often used as allies. We have incorporated plants that will specifically heighten your ability to connect with these 'higher frequencies. These plants possess unique properties and energies that can assist in the process of connecting with their spirits and later within the act of animal communication

This Course Uses a Variety of Techniques, You Can Enjoy...

  • Meditation which serves as a powerful tool to facilitate the connection between humans and plant or animal energies.
  •  Engaging your senses by deliberately focusing on what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in your immediate environment.
  • Creating a sacred space through the use of crystals, plants, candles, and other items that bring a sense of peace and connection to the divine..
  • Unfurling a sense of empathy, peace, wellbeing and compassion in your life.
  • Downloads and resources yours to  keep forever.
  • Guided meditation practices and scripts for enhanced plant energetics. 
  • Recorded sessions available on demand and when needed. 






Connecting With Plant Energies for Animal Communication

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A little about us. 

This online course is taught by Rachael, animal therapist and medical herbalist with over 30years working in the plant and animal industries. 

Animals first started communicating with Rachael way back in 2015, when a chance encounter with a horse called Zina, called to her. Eventually Rachael had to pull over the car in the middle of central Milton Keynes, UK (a cross stitch of urban living) to listen then relay these messages to Zina's new owner. 

Rachael knew at that moment that she was either crazy, or animals were talking to her. She knew the former wasn't true so it had to be the latter. 

Rachael reveals all about this chance encounter, and many others as you traverse the course, with snippets on Noah the Cyprian rescue and Nanuk the American husky. 

Rachael went on to undertake formal training in Animal Communication and has been honing her skills ever since. 

Developing the skills to communicate and work with plants and animals has been enhanced by Rachael's training with medicinal herbs.

She has a deeply intuitive nature that researched and sought out the herbs that will aid this ineter species communication. 


Jason spent a number of years working in healthcare as a mindfulness practitioner, structural therapist and energetic worker. He went on to develop his skills in meditation and counselling skills with his own practice in the UK. 

Jason now undertakes all the guided meditation sessions across the Animal Botanical Platform. 

Jason is also a powerful energetic healer practicing and then teaching our animal and human Reiki practitioner course too. 

Jason has been running guided meditations for plant energetics work for a number of years and his skills in the field are second to none. 

Dreamy, hypnotic and enchanting guiding the participant where they need to go.

And so together we birthed

Connecting With Plant Energies for Animal Communication




Doors open for our unique online course on 

August 21st.

Our course remains open to you for 90 days. 

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

A communication network, a direct line to develop the language between you, the herbs and your animals.

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